
Telecourse Registration

There is a fiction and a nonfiction track for Author In You™ because the skill sets and needs of beginning authors in each genre can differ.

Several of the session titles are the same, however, only the very first session for each track contains the exact same information. Otherwise, all sessions in the fiction track are geared to fictional works and all sessions in the nonfiction track are geared to works in that genre.

Each session will build upon the last, starting with motivation to get you going, tangible advice along the way as you write, and solid advice on getting published. You’ll be equipped with the right tools to finish the book you’ve always wanted to write. If you’re a writer who has started a manuscript but gotten stuck along the way, these sessions can jumpstart you and get you back on track!

Group Coaching Sessions take place every Monday for six weeks (with exceptions for holidays or other significant days, such as book-related travel days for Stacy) from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. EST

Enroll in a six-week course to transform yourself from a curious and wishful writer into the serious writer you desire to be.

NOTE: Stacy’s Telecourse program is currently on hiatus. In the meantime, consider joining the Focused Writers Membership Community she leads. Learn more by clicking here.